Friday, September 17, 2010

Will my XP Restore CD's work?

I figure out that I have some hardware problems, because my XP keep restarting itself, and is VERY slow. So I'm deciding to reinstall Windows. Will the two CD's that come when I bought the PC work to back up my date so I can own windows the process it was when I first bought it? If not, I REALLY inevitability advice on how I MYSELF can put money on up my information and start from scratch.

Will my XP Restore CD's work?

You will credible lose all personal files.

You involve to copy them to some other storage media.
Yes you will usually have disk 1 within a drive and re-boot the computer to start the process. Remember to copy all your background to a blank CD up to that time you start and make sure you know your internet and email settings.
Yes, but adjectives your info in My Documents will be gone. Burn this info to a cd, or cd's first. Your programs will still be here.

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