Friday, September 17, 2010

Will using a server motherboard adversly affect gaming or any other desktop function?

TYAN S2925G2NR Socket AM2 NVIDIA nForce Professional 3400 ATX Server Motherboard

AMD opteron 1212

nvidia 7900GS 256mb

2GB corsair ddr2 667mzh hit

Will using a server motherboard adversly affect gaming or any other desktop function?

Not at all! Make sure you hold at least the minimum requirements for any gaming you chose, ie: graphics memory, nouns card, RAM, CPU speed etc..

A server Operating System might not be the best bet, I would consider installing XP Pro or something else you know you like and is compatible next to your gaming stuff.

I would consider nice graphics adapter that is NOT onboard and disable anything on the motherboard as they tend to use shared memory which reduce your RAM because it is swapped to that onboard adapter. So if you have 2GB RAM and you want to use 512MB RAM for the graphics later you only hold 1.5 GB RAM which ain't bad but the speed of the shared 512 MB is going to be smaller quantity that nay independent adapter.

Food Luck!

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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