Friday, September 17, 2010

YouTube problem.?

Okay, so i'm on YouTube for similar to a mouth, everything is sweet, the loadings fast and i'm enormously happy. Uutill soon I go on and YouTube is loading slow and filling! This will happen for nearly 3 weeks, then everything is commonplace! Is it my computer/Internet, or YouTube? (I have broadband).

YouTube problem.?

It could a short time ago be that when you're on, a lot of populace are on youtube downloading videos at equal time.

Also your internet can sometimes become sort of overloaded and slow down and if this happens you can usually fix it by un plugging your router or modem for a minute or so and plugging it vertebrae in.

Hope this help!
your internet
it's not your computer it's you tube that happens on adjectives my computers
You tube does that somtimes

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