Friday, September 17, 2010

Windows XP won't start, computer restarts. Need Help plese.?

I lately tried to re-install windows on my unyielding drive, and now the system restarts formerly anything comes up.

At the system start, two options come up, one to run underneath XP( which it restarts) and the XP pro setup (which I don't wanna do) The system continues this even in out of danger mode. What do I do? Right now I'm using a subsidiary hard drive next to the same altered copy of XP on it, is there missing files/programs I can copy and smooth mixture back into my other concrete drive? Plese help.

Windows XP won't start, computer restarts. Need Help plese.?

computers restart sounds approaching you might have a virus somewere.Use the smaller drive to newly operate xp and the other to have strickly for storage

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