Saturday, September 11, 2010

Which instrument round do i install a cooling lover - its in actual fact for a sky box but is a PC CPU cooling follower?

Which instrument round do i install a cooling lover - its in actual fact for a sky box but is a PC CPU cooling follower?

For processor heatsink admirer, air should blow towards heatsink. Volume of airflow is better if there are no restrictions on the intake side.

For PC overnight case fans, lower front is intake and upper backside is exhaust.
with the atmosphere blowing out
whats a sky box ?..for a computer case you put 2 fan blowing into the case from the pay for..and 1 sucking air out on the side/window.and 1 or 2 blowing into the armour from the top of the case ie blow holes..
read the instructions
copy the sky box set up, or ring up sky out
Is this for just putting cooling nouns through the case mostly?

If so, make it so it draws contained by low down & vents highly developed up (the air is cooler nearer the floor & hot nouns rises)

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