Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why does my DVD RW show 4.00 GB after formatting on Vista?

When I walk to Computer in Windows Vista, a tentative DVD RW disc shows 4.37 GB or something close to that but after formatting the same disc, it shows 4.00 GB, why is this?

Why does my DVD RW show 4.00 GB after formatting on Vista?

After you format a disc by using the Windows Vista Live File System, the available space on the disc is smaller number than the capacity of the disc

This issue occur because the Windows Vista Live File System reserves a small amount of disc space to accommodate link-loss area. Live File System uses Restricted Overwrite mode. In this mode, the medium requires a special low-level format. This format reserves a small amount of disc space for link-loss area. The Universal Disk Format (UDF) folder system reserves at least 10 percent of the reported size of the disc for sparing. Also, if the disc was originally formatted by a third-party program, more space may be reserved by the third-party program.

does this help?

honest luck

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