Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why are the icon within cd-roms overlaid/covered by internet explorer logo?

Whenever I put a cd-rom/dvd-rom surrounded by my drive,all the icon for files and folders in it will be covered/overlaid by internet explorer logo.The icon for files and folders in my harddisk and memory cards are not artificial.Formatting the pc doesn't minister to as the problem come back again within a day or two.

Why are the icon within cd-roms overlaid/covered by internet explorer logo?

i've notice this happens after you install IE revision 7, i'm not sure but this is how happend to me, if you have discovered on how to solve the problem please agree to me know cause is impressively irritating to not be able to prospect the normal icon when i browse a CD. U can any submit the answer here or use my email



Seems close to i am not allowed to post to answers.. so i will stifle the first one, i have received an answer on how this can be fixed, the email come from Jack Gretton who was amazingly kind and emailed me the solution which can be found here: it worked, and immediately i am a very in good spirits camper :)

Hope it will help others as okay.

Regards, Tom.
don't know

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