Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why are none of my Cd-roms, Dvd-roms OR Virtual Cd roms approaching MagicISO would be loading. Windows cannot loa

Windows cannot nouns the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)

as you can see i installed bunch of virtual drives to win battlefield 2 to work without actual cd and found out that none would work! any one know whats up? im on XP media center . if you can recommend a virtual driver that works that'd be great too...

Why are none of my Cd-roms, Dvd-roms OR Virtual Cd roms approaching MagicISO would be loading. Windows cannot loa

I dream up you answered your own question when you said none of the virtual drivers would work. Windows Media Center operate on the same undeveloped platform as Windows XP Pro. XP is partial to digitally signed software to prevent the introduction of viruses, etc.

You could try some of the suggestions offered by Microsoft but I don't consider they'll help:


The answers post by the user, for information one and only, does not guarantee the right.

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