Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why does the PC die when I plug contained by my flash drive?

This didn't develop before, but just this minute, every time I plug my flash drive into the USB port at the front of the CPU, the monitor goes black and I enjoy to restart the computer (cold boot). What has happen to the computer? I thought the computer died, but I just switched the power button on the fund of the CPU off and put money on on and it restarted.

Should I just plug the flash drive into the USB port at the rear legs of the CPU?

Why does the PC die when I plug contained by my flash drive?

Try going to the back of the PC - yes. Could be that your front USB ports are hosed. If plugging the flash drive contained by the back results within black, then try the flash drive on another computer.

If the flash drive works contained by the back of your PC, afterwards front USB ports hosed and you should disconnect or disable them.

If flash drive doesn't work in another PC, consequently flash drive may be messed up - rare, but could appear.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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