Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why dose my mp4 player show up as a problem and wont work on my home computer running xp but impossible to tell apart mpx

Why dose my mp4 player show up as a problem and wont work on my home computer running xp but impossible to tell apart mpx

Did'nt fully read the question, can you explain a bit more surrounded by detail please?

But I'll try to help:

There may be few reason:

1. Your mp4 player may be actually malfunctioning, try connecting to another computer to see if it works in attendance, if it does, problem is not your player.

2. Your usb port is malfunctioning, try connecting device to another USB port, or USB port in the vertebrae of a computer. Common reason for this error is that device does'nt get hold of enough drive through USB port, this is very adjectives with non powered USB hubs. You should connect your device directly to a computer USB port, not through a hub, the ports within front of a computer might be a hub actually, try the ones within the back of the computer. Also if your device have DC power supply, try plugging it in beforehand you connect device to a computer to give it ample power to operate.

Sorry for a messed up explanation, I hope it will help

Good luck

The answers post by the user, for information with the sole purpose, does not guarantee the right.

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